
Touching, really.

Yesterday afternoon, we attended the Veneration of the Cross at the Our Lady of Pentecost Parish inside Varsity Hills. Before the start of the gathering there was an old priest who went up ahead at the altar at remained seated as he waited for 3 other priests who later joined him for the ceremony. I was observing him once in a while and I thought of how it must have been hard for him to be present up there, properly dressed (as a priest), with his braced back and only one cane to support him. He didn't move much. He was just sitting as the ceremony went on.

The parish priest invited everyone to kiss the image Jesus, nailed at the cross. The 2 other priests went in front of the big cross to kiss the image. And when they carried the cross to the old priest, I saw him stand up as he reached out his hand to touch the image and kissed Jesus. I couldn't help my tears from fogging up my eyes seeing that sight. It was like he gathered every bit of his strength just so he could kiss the image of Christ. With no aid whatsoever, he was able to put his remaining energy at that moment to stand up and reach out.

I don't know if anyone else noticed, but I thank God for letting me witness it. I can feel his love for Jesus; that he was willing to do everything for Him. Now I know what to pray for this Holy Week... that all people, all Christians would respond to God's call. I pray that may all Christians have the same love for Jesus. And like the old priest, I pray that everyone... myself, included... could put every bit of our strength for our Lord God. May each of us carry our own crosses and remind ourselves how much God loves us... and how much we ought to love Him too.

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