Temper, temper!

I don't know if it's the weather... or am I just really ill-tempered these days? Or maybe the universe is not aligned with me? Gah! Whatever! I just know that my temper is over a hundred degrees most of the time. And NO. It's not that time of the month [as a woman.]

Boy, I wish I could just disappear for a long time; run away to some freezing place to cool myself down. This afternoon, I had to get out of the office just so I can breath from all the chaos at work. Oh man, does it really have to be like this... all the time?! Do I really have to hear qualms and different levels of foolishness from idiotic people every so often?!

This entry is a bit vague. I really don't want to put too much details, as I know I'll be ruining my mood all the more. Oh, when will my personal summer end?!

blue ties

Met up with two of my favorite sisters from HS. Nothing beats walking down memory lane with these girls. I love them to death! When I'm with them, time flies so quickly and I just feel like a little girl running around the green meadow, laughing so hard without really caring who's watching. They remind me of how life can be so plain and simple.

I remember a line from the movie, Yes Man starring Jim Carrey. (Btw, I adore Allison portrayed by Zooey Deschanel; how she lived in the film is just inspiring, I tell you.) Allison said something like, "The world's a playground. You know that when you are a kid, but somewhere along the way everyone forgets it." Being with my girls remind me that the world really is a playground. Sure we talk about grown-up stuff, but it's the feeling of being with them that makes any subject light. That we have our own playground and no one can ever ruin it, not even a tiny bug.

I wonder if we'd still be like this ten to twenty years from now. Well, I would like to believe so. Ours is a friendship that would forever remain genuine. And when I have my own children, I will definitely pass on the story about the special kind of sisterhood we've shared... starting from the day we tied blue neckties under sailor collars, singing "As we merry, Bridgetines sing-along..."

Personal Sanctuary

Oftentimes, I hope for a clone. Or something like that. Someone who feels the way I feel, who talks like me, who thinks like me, who reacts like me, who listens like I do... but doesn't necessarily looks like me (because that would really be creepy). How do I call her/him? A soulmate, perhaps? I really don't care, as long as she/he exists. (Yeah, I wish!) Which brings me to the statement: I love my blog!

Well, the reason why I love my blog (quarternotes.blogspot.com) is because nobody really reads it! It's like my own personal space online. When I'm on my other social networking sites, I have to be careful of what I post because there are people who could get affected with what I say. Here, I am FREE (or I would like to believe that I am). I can say whatever I want to say without having to worry who's gonna read it; or if I might hurt somebody.

Regardless of my just-a-bit-loud persona, I'm actually a certified introvert. No kid! When you see me happy, I usually project only 40% of how glad I really am. Same thing when I'm depressed. The tears you see are not even comparable to how much pain my heart really is crying.

So, THIS is like the extension of my mind. I write words straight from my soul without pretensions, without pride and without malice. I say things as free as I want to just because. And when there are no hands to tap or no ears to listen, THIS becomes my personal sanctuary.

Tug of War

Ready? Go!
You give a signal.
I move forward.
You repel.
I step backward.
You lean forward.
I reach out.
You turn your back on me.
I hold back.
You face me.
I face the other way.
A tap on my shoulder.
A glimpse of you.
One smile.
I blink.
Then a frown.
I blink, twice.
You pull.
I pull.
You let go.
I fall.

the sponge

So what if I am?

People talk to me when they have problems. Friends cry on my shoulder. And more often than not, I get affected. Why, you may ask? Because I love them. The more tears I shed for them, the more love I have for them. It breaks my heart to see my loved ones in pain, in grief, or in any kind of trouble. I carry it with me until I release it in my own way later on. This is just how I am and I wouldn't want to change it one bit. When they are happy, I laugh and smile with them. And when they are lonely, I cry with them.

Yeah, I am affected.

I'm built this way.

So what if I am?