Insanely May

So I have this CRAZY-MAY thing going on. Ever since the outing with my Josephine Journal family, I've been addicted to swimming! I even bought a new set of swimming stuff - from the suit, to the cap and of course, the goggles. Spent almost 3K for everything! Haha. Good thing is, it's really put to good use. I've been swimming with CJ, MWF. Well except this week because I had asthma. Tsk tsk. I missed Monday and Wednesday, but today's Friday... and can I just say that it feels so great to be back in the water! I can say that my stamina lowered a bit :( ugh, I really hate it when I get sick. Hopefully this swimming craze of mine won't stop, and please please PLEASE make me healthier.

Another crazy thing happening this month is that I'm back to filmmaking with Jonry. We made a deal to produce a short (one each) within May. How crazy is that?! I was telling him he's so unfair... He has all the time in the world to write, develop a concept; the whole thing. I, on the other hand, have a day job which requires a lot of time and energy. It's really exciting, but at the same time, tiring. We shot his film last Tuesday and it was pretty exhausting. We started offline editing last night, and it was also exhausting. And now, to top all the pressure, he's constantly asking when I'm going to write my concept. Sheesh, talk about peer pressure! As much as I wanted to shoot another short, I would have to beg more time which is totally impossible. End of May is near, and I'm 99% short of my concept... beat that?! Will I ever make it? Or will I have to bail on this?

My hormones are acting up a little crazy as well. I'm slightly irritated with this guy I've been crushing on for the longest time already. Maybe I just got bored with the whole idea. Perhaps it's more than JUST a crush. I can say that we've been more than friends but not quite lovers. Ugh, cliche once again. I just hate to be in this state. Maybe this is why he gets in my nerves often lately. I don't need another some-kind-of-a-love-story! It's totally immature, so I'm dropping all the drama and I'm definitely moving on!

Here's another insane issue of mine. Lately, I've been wanting to be always alone. Emo, much? Nah, I disagree. Sometimes, a person really needs time to be alone with himself... retracing what's been going on in his life, where he is now, and where he is planning to go. Some call this the quarter-life crisis. Makes sense, though. I'm turning 25 this year. Oh but I call it my personal quality time. Doesn't it feel oh so good to just be with yourself without any pretensions and all sorts of limitations? I just want a little peace and quiet even for a short while. All I want to do is just listen to what the world has to tell me... what God wants to tell me.

I miss my girl friends! Wish I could meet up with them real soon! I've been with guys for way too long... I need a little femininity too, you know?!