a month for a week

Why exactly? I just love this week.

Monday marked the return of my normal life from the two devastating weeks my family faced because of the Dengue craze that hit my two brothers. Thank God, they're all well now. Whew. As I was saying - Monday. I was already experiencing the backlog from work. I was forced to rush a certain book project - layout, editing, proofreading, and coordinating with the artist for the book cover and the printing press - all for an entire week. It's probably the most crammed thing I've ever done in my life.

Aside from the aforementioned, I was also asked to write an episode's script for Pasakalye (a DJ-musicale program) and record for it as well. My, oh my I thought I couldn't make it. But all thanks to the glory of God, HIS spirit was able to somehow put words in my thoughts. Hence, I was able to finish the script fast enough to spare me a few hours of sleep before recording. It was also because of Ms. Rica Bolipata-Santos' article, "Astonishments" that pushed me into writing the best I could. Her articles really inspire me to become the best that I can be in my field. (On that not, I thank you, Ms. Rica! Not only have you been an idol, but a friend despite the distance) Her article was truly "astonishing" and if you want to read it, I think I've posted it somewhere on my Facebook wall.

And speaking of "astonishment" I was really astonished with the heart-to-heart talk I had with my best friend. He doesn't usually take me seriously, but that Thursday night we stayed up until 3am talking about serious matters - stuff that I never thought we'd talk about, ever. Thank you so much, Richell. I needed that, and you know it.

I was also able to meet up with a friend from college who is now taking up his MA in the Ateneo. It was definitely great to catch up, though we're not really that close during college. Old friends are definitely welcome in my new life. Hello JJ... I mean, Magic (because he prefers to be called Magic now)

Another old friend celebrated his birthday two days ago. He was my "kuya" during our chorale days and the school paper days. I was always amazed by how much love and devotion he has for the Blessed Mother. And I look up to him each time we have our little "religious chat." Even though he had a girl friend then, I knew he was the religious life - that he has a calling. Viola! He entered the St. Vincent Seminary and we (me and ate Kat) visited him there, in time for the exhibit he put in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. It was also a good timing because the Vincentian seminarians were scheduled to have a BINGO night for the benefit of their apostolate. We were their only guests, and we are very honored that God let us experience it with them. Kuya Choy never fails to inspire me and encourage me to strengthen my devotion to God and surrender to His will without hesitation. You have been my angel, and now I'm glad that now you can be an angel to more and more people who most need your help.

So there you go... All that in a week's time. And the week isn't over yet... I sure am excited for more out-of-the-box stuff heading this way.

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