thinking before falling in love

Last week, my sister's friend asked me to participate in a survey by coming up with a one-par essay carrying the theme: thinking before falling in love. Without really thinking, here's what I've written:

(Thinking before falling in love)

Boy meets girl. Girl meets boy. Hands slowly touch. Eyes locked in. Magic fills the air… Two hearts fall in love. This is the kind of scene we see in the theatres or hear in a fairytale. But in reality, falling in love takes a lot time… and a lot of thinking. Love isn’t merely based on emotions – but more of the decision one makes to love a person. Emotions vary depending on the mood, the feeling, the circumstances and such. Decisions are much stronger and reliable. When you make a decision, you rationalize the situation, you gather the necessary information and you put your heart, mind and soul together to arrive to the choice of whether or not to love a person. And when everything is clear, that’s when the spark happens, and that’s when you truly fall in love. But falling in love isn’t supposed to be as sudden as the pull of gravity. You weigh your options. You get to know the person more. You dig in to their souls. You acknowledge the person in and out. You see way beyond the naked eye. I told you, it really takes time… and by using this time, the right decision would be made. Love’s melody isn’t always that sweet and tender. There are times when you trip on a few notes, be off-synced and just ruin the entire love song. But this is really part of falling in love. You know it’s real when you learn to love not only the shimmers but the rusts as well. Isn’t it sweeter to say ‘I love you’ when you put your heart, mind, and soul to it? Isn’t it more romantic to look at a familiar pair of eyes but having a different adventure each time you lay your eyes on him? And isn’t it more magical to embrace everything the person is when you say the two words that will start a lifetime? So now I leave it to you to truly grasp that magic and keep it alive. After all, it’s easier to fall in love… than to stay in love.

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