On Friendship

As you grow older, you'd realize that the meaning friendship changes even without you knowing it. There are some you can keep, and sadly, there are others you can't. You will have your shopping buddies, your chitchat chums, your eating partners, your go-crazy pals; the list goes on. But the most important and the rarest are the ones you can trust your tears with. Not all of your friends can take care of your tears. Some may not even see you crying. And it's just sad when you realize this during that time that you don't have anyone to share these tears with.

One simple thought I learned during Papa's (my grand dad) wake was that a good friend can not be gauged with how many times you smiled together, laughed at each others' stories or, eaten ice cream and cake with. Good friends are the ones seeing you when no one else could, crying with you, or being with you while you’re embracing the pain. These are the times when you need them the most… and when you can see them there with you, then keep in mind that these are the friends worth keeping.

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